Caviar is a delicacy consisting of salt-cured fish eggs, or roe, typically from sturgeon fish. The different types of caviar are typically categorized based on the type of sturgeon the roe comes from, the size and color of the eggs, and their quality. Here are some of the most common types of caviar:
Beluga caviar: This is the most expensive and rarest type of caviar, made from the eggs of the Beluga sturgeon. The eggs are large, light grey in color, and have a delicate flavor.
Osetra caviar: Made from the eggs of the Osetra sturgeon, this caviar is medium-sized and ranges in color from light brown to dark brown. It has a rich, nutty flavor.
Sevruga caviar: This caviar comes from the Sevruga sturgeon and has small, dark grey eggs with a strong, briny flavor.
Sterlet caviar: Made from the eggs of the Sterlet sturgeon, this caviar has small, golden-yellow eggs and a mild flavor.
Kaluga caviar: This caviar comes from a hybrid of the Kaluga and Amur sturgeon and has large, dark brown eggs with a buttery flavor.
Other types of caviar may also be available, such as paddlefish caviar or salmon caviar, but they are not considered to be true caviar as they do not come from sturgeon fish.