There are many different types of spiders found throughout the world. Some of the most common types of spiders include:
Wolf spiders - large, hairy spiders that are often found on the ground
Jumping spiders - small, colorful spiders that are known for their incredible jumping ability
Orb-weaver spiders - spiders that build intricate webs that are often found in gardens and wooded areas
Black widows - venomous spiders that are recognizable by their black color and red hourglass marking
Brown recluse spiders - venomous spiders that are often found in dark, undisturbed places
Tarantulas - large, hairy spiders that are often kept as pets
Daddy long-legs - also known as harvestmen, these arachnids are often mistaken for spiders but are not true spiders
These are just a few examples of the many types of spiders found around the world.